Wallets, magnets, bags, bags, bags. At Ladies Market. |
The bad part about shopping at these markets is you're not allowed to try on the clothes. They justify it by saying that they are already selling the clothing at cheap prices. So, you have to make your best judgment by putting the garment against your body and looking in the mirror. However, the nice part about markets is that if it's not in a retail store, you can bargain! The art of bargaining comes with experience, but it's definitely worth trying. Who doesn't want to buy a good for less than the initial price? One thing I learned is that if you buy more from them, the seller will be more lenient in lowering the price.
When I went to Temple Street Market with two other UD students to buy Longchamp bags, we were able to bargain with a seller based on the fact that we were each buying a bag. If we had tried to bargain individually, it would have been much more difficult. The end result was not bad- we were given the price of 3 bags for $300 HKD and ended up paying $270 in total.
Ladies Market in Mong Kok! It's one of the most popular markets amongst locals and tourists. |
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